Dear Customers,

I want to welcome you to our company, and assure you that we are committed to being diligent in performing any task for you that we can. We have many years of accumulated experience in systems design, 3D modeling, process development, and lots more. What really sets us apart from other companies is our ability to listen, understand what your needs are, and then give you just what you need and no more.

Our motto is “do it once and do it right”, and we are dedicated to that. We look around and see that so many projects run over budget, drag out in time that no one anticipated and include “extras” that the customer never asked for. We will do our best to work with you to give you just what you need. This means that we do a very good job of front end loading, putting engineering time into the project to design it, then carrying out what we have all agreed to. An old boss told me once “it is always best to make your plan, then work your plan”. Careful planning is the key to keeping the project cost low, and bringing the project in on time.

We also have a penchant for safety. We don’t want to see people get hurt, or to have equipment failures. Poor safety affects people’s lives, and causes costly downtime…..which leads to customer distrust of you! Therefore, we endeavor to practice with the greatest regard for good safe practices.

I want your experience with us to be mutually beneficial so that you will use us for further work after the project is finished; thereby letting us be your engineering partner. We wish you and your business great success!

Paul Homburg, President
Process Systems & Design, Inc.